This was one of our first stops. We were waiting in line and so what a better time to start snapping away.

This was a self-portrait we took before going to dinner.

All in all it was a busy, but fun, weekend. The weather was great! We hope you and yours had a Blessed Easter too!
I'm currently in major planning mode for the girl's upcoming birthdays. There are definite pros and cons to having them both in the same months. It takes lots of work as they have their individual days, joint family party, and Kaylee's friend party. I do enjoy planning these and we always have fun, but getting to them, and through them, takes lots of work, and making lots of lists (which Brad points out).
On a different note, Kaylee went to the dentist this morning. I was SO dreading this appointment. I'm not a fan of the dentist myself and all morning had the pit in my stomach, even though it wasn't my appointment. Last night before bed I told her we would be going today. We have lots of dentist books and have read them numerous times. There were some tears last night, but we talked and talked and Kaylee gave me her "I'm over talking about this" vibe so I said good-night. This morning she was ready to go. Even telling Ainsley to hurry up and eat her breakfast because "I have a dentist appointment. I'm serious I really am going to the dentist today." We dropped Ainsley off and stopped at the store. I told her she could pick out a snack to take for her friends at school and if the appointment was a success we would take the snack today.
The dentist office is right next to her pre-school, so we parked at school and walked over. Everyone was REALLY nice! Kaylee did AMAZING! I was so proud of her and happy for her, because I could tell she was really proud of herself. She got to watch Dora the whole time, got a goody bag at the end, got to pick out a toy from the treasure cabinet and a certificate for free cookie dough from PaPa Murphy's. She had no cavities and all was well. We walked to school afterward and she took her snack, as well as her dentist goody-bag. I was so excited that she did so well! It's just another sign to show she's growing-up.
Anyway, that's just a small part of our miscellaneous Monday so far.