Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Little Gardening

A couple weeks ago Brad and the girls went to the store to buy some soil and seeds to plant. The girls love gardening and since the weather is getting warmer it seemed like a good time to start back-up with this beloved past time.

Brad used his truck bed to set the pots on during the planting. Ainsley opted to sit-up on the bed of the truck, while Kaylee decided to stand by Daddy. Below the pots are filled with soil and ready to be used for planting. Brad is reminding the girls of the seeds they picked.

Brad handing Ainsley some seeds to put in the soil.

Brad and Kaylee working on her pot. They poked holes in the soil to put the seeds in.
Kaylee watering her newly planted pot. I think the watering is their favorite part. It could be raining for days and they would still want to go out and water the plants. We are working on learning that too much water is just as bad as not enough.
Whew...all this gardening wore me out. Just kidding, I was trying to get a photo of the girls by their pots. Ainsley had to have a chair to sit in, but was complaining that the sun was too bright to look up at me. Kaylee was not so into it, as you can see she's in the background on the porch anxiously waiting to put her pot in it's new spot.

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