We hope everyone had a great Easter. Ours was busy but certainly filled with fun! Friday the girls and I colored eggs. I let Kaylee pick out the kit she wanted to use, of course she picked glitter. Most of you know I am not a huge glitter fan, unless it's already in glue, because it NEVER goes away. Since I had given her freedom to choose I let her have the glitter. The eggs turned out nice, but we will never use glitter again :)
Saturday morning we went up to my Dad and Sallie's and did breakfast. We then went up to the Library Park for an egg hunt that was sponsored by one of the churches in town. Before the egg hunt started the Minister told a story that recapped the events leading up to the resurrection. At one point Kaylee looked at me with a panic look on her face and said "Mom, Jesus died!" I said just keep listening it will get better. It was kind of funny. We talk about God and Jesus, but at her age I'm sure a lot of it is somewhat hard to conceptualize. After the hunt we went back to the house and did another egg hunt and some gifts.
Here is Kaylee with her bunny she got.

The girls: Ainsley, Kaylee and
Skyeler with their baskets after the hunt.

Saturday night we set out the baskets for the bunny. Ever since Kaylee caught on to the whole Santa thing we have also had to set a snack out for the bunny. Below are the carrots Kaylee put out, along with her bunny she got earlier that day; she felt the Easter bunny would think it was cute.

This is what the girls woke-up to find from the Easter Bunny. The presents in their chairs were from Mommy and Daddy.

The girls
rummaging through their baskets.

After destroying the baskets we went hunting for eggs.

We loved getting to be outside and enjoy the nice weather! We played out a lot while awaiting for the rest of the extended family to come over for dinner, and of course more baskets. Here Ainsley is showing off her new skill, that Daddy helped her perfect, of climbing up all by herself and then sliding down, as show in the next photo.

We have flowers that grow in the back of the yard, by the timber, and the girls love to pick them. I took this of Ainsley and loved it so of course I had to post it!