Tomorrow my sweet Ainsley will be turning 2, and in 2 weeks my other angel will be turning 4! I know, I can't believe it but it's true! I remember this time, 2 years ago, when Ainsley was soon to arrive and thinking of what it would be like when Ainsley would be the age Kaylee was at that time, which was almost 2. Kaylee and Ainsley as a 4 and 2 year old seemed so far away, yet it came SO fast! At the time I thought of all the fun things we would be doing. We
definitely do many fun things, and as they both get older it gets more exciting. As with most good things in life it's a little bittersweet. As one phase ends it's exciting to enter the next, but I'm always a little sad of what we are leaving behind. How is it possible that I can't remember what I ate for lunch yesterday but I vividly remember the day each of my precious girls were born, and it seems like just yesterday they were. In such short time I came to never remember what my life was like without them. They have brought more happiness to us then ever thought possible and each day I enjoy them even more, even on the trying days. I know time will only continue to fly by and seem to move faster and faster. Even so I treasure today,
reminisce of yesterday and look forward to tomorrow. More posts to come as their individual birthdays arrive, but for now enjoy these photos of a yesterday gone by.
Kaylee McKenna Busing 5/17/05
Ainsley Isabella Busing 5/1/07
Thanks for sharing. What beautiful babies!!!
sad, sad, sad, sad
I'm with you---this post made me teary. It is going by much too fast. I agree that it's bittersweet. Every new stage is so much fun, but it's so hard to see our babies grow up. Every birthday seems closer and closer to 18. Boo! :-)
Happy Birthday to sweet Ainsley! I hope you have a wonderful day together!
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