While on vacation she went to the beach with her family. They all decided to build a sandcastle and Ainsley was very helpful. She carried large buckets of water to help make the sand wet and easier to pack.
She pushed the sand together and helped pack it to make the large base for the castle.
She poured water on the sand and helped put shells on for windows.
What a beautiful castle everyone worked so hard together to make. What a great example of teamwork by the family.
Even after Daddy and Kaylee walked back down to the water Ainsley stayed behind to continue decorating the castle. We spent much time and effort on our castle and we were all so proud.
But little Miss Ainsley has an ornery side to her, a destructive side to her. You can see it in her eyes. She's up to something....
Ainsley's Mommy had turned to take a photo of the water and when she turned back around this is what she found. Sweet little Ainsley laying on the castle.
She also decided to sit on the castle. She was like a dragon in medieval times taking over the kingdom. Watch out Russel Crowe your Gladiator has nothing on this little destroyer.
hahaha! This is so funny! How did Kaylee feel about Ainsley destroying the family castle?? It looks amazing there...so sunny and warm. Yep, I'm super jealous!! Looks like you're having a great time! And these pictures are adorable. I love sweet little Ainsley's swimsuit...so cute!
That is so funny!! It looks like you are having a wonderful, much deserved vacation. Bring the sun back with you. I sure miss seeing it. Enjoy the rest of your vacation.
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