Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Kaylee the Scientist

Meet Kaylee. She is 4 1/2 years old. She is a very inquisitive girl, always wanting to know what things are or how they work. She shows much determination, when she sets her mind to something she will work on it until she can do it. Her most recent accomplishments, and examples of her determination, include: snapping, reading, addition and whistling. Kaylee is also creative and enjoys doing arts and crafts, she also enjoys using adjectives and being very expressive, both verbally and non-verbally. She certainly is one to march to the beat of her own drum. While she is a girly girl in her fashion, always wanting to wear dresses, and can be a little on the weeny side at times in her overly dramatic reactions to some of life's smallest inconveniences, she is also very brave. Brave like a scientist. She likes bugs, digging in the dirt or looking under rocks for them. If she sees something she thinks might be interesting to look at she will pick it up. I admire this because many of these things gross me out. I can put my own worm on a hook, but wouldn't pick up a snake. When weather permits outside time at home she's always exploring for new things. So you can imagine how much she enjoys exploring in Florida and the things she finds!

Here's the little scientist in her "hula" pose, as she has named it.

Kaylee has enjoyed her time at the ocean. She likes to run down and catch water and sand as the tide comes in and bring it back on the sand, dump it and sift through it to see if she has gotten any treasures.
She likes to walk up and down the beach searching for hidden treasures, as well as trying to catch the birds because she feels she need to pet them and get a closer look.
This is one of the many treasures she has found at the beach. She carried it the whole way. This is something she saw and didn't hesitate to run over and pick it up, something I would have looked at and kept on walking.
Here are all the treasures she found today. There's a couple sponges, one that we think may have a clam inside it, a large shell, some sea wood, and even a bone. Yes, a bone. What kind, I don't know. Probably from something jaws got a hold of. These are all things she is looking forward to taking home and to school to show her friends.

I have to say that thanks to Kaylee I have broadened my horizon and noticed things I would have walked away from before. When she wants me to touch something I will, even though I'm squirming on the inside. I want to encourage her curiosity, who knows what that will inspire her to be when she grows-up!

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