- My Father-n-law's birthday; November 27th
- Schelle Christmas (my step-mom's extended side); Saturday after Thanksgiving
- Putting up Christmas decorations
- Shopping
- Toys For Tots
- State Farm Santa Visit
- Preschool Holiday Program
- Duffy Family Christmas (Dad's extended side)
- Festival of Lights
- Gingerbread Houses
- Baking
- Various getting together with immediate family for Christmas
The magic of the season keeps me jolly through all of it. As the girls have gotten older watching the magic of Christmas is very inspiring and refreshing. I love that they are so good about donating things for others. Kaylee has really started understanding the concept of giving to others. When beginning our advent calendars this year and talking about all of the wonderful things December would hold she mentioned Toys for Tots. This is something I always did and continued with the girls. We go to the store and they each pick out something and we take it to a Toys for Tots box. I have to say they have never once complained that we weren't buying them something. I anticipate it every year, as that would be a natural reaction for a child to have, "why can't I have something too?", but on these Toys for Tots days that hasn't happened. That makes me one proud Mama!
As the years continue I have a feeling my list will get longer. Some things may change out for others, i.e. preschool program for elementary school program, but I don't think I could ever just take away one of our traditions. Do they keep us busy? Yes. Do they leave us with memories to last a lifetime? Absolutely!
We hope that you and yours had a blessed and safe holiday season! Here are some of the photos from the memories we made this year:

Love all the photos. I always like reading your posts because I feel like I'm being told a great story. You have such a way with words. Looks like you had another memorable holiday season!!
Wow! What a great Christmas! You guys sure do stay busy. But it looks like everything was so much fun. I love that you take time to make the holidays so meaningful by celebrating with your family and also teaching the girls to give back and give to others. Those are things they will never forget!
Great pictures, too. I can tell this post took lots of time and thought!
Christina, You are much too kind in thinking it took me awhile to create this. I'm always feeling as though I'm hurrying to post things because I have limited time in doing so. I so wish I did have the time to be more thoughtful about my posts. But thank you for thinking I did that :)
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