Dear Ainsley,
Three years ago you completed our family. We were so excited to meet you and love on you. While we knew we were being blessed with another daughter, we didn't know how truly amazing you would be. You are a spunky and fearless child. Your demeanor 97% of the time is happy. That happiness is contagious as is your laugh and smile. You are always one who is doing things for a laugh. Once you get a laugh you always follow-up with a favorite word of yours "poopy" in hopes for another laugh. You love your big sister, even though you are often picking on her. You love to climb, dance and sing. You especially love to use the fireplace as your stage and love to jump off after your through. Is there crowd surfing in your future? Whatever your future brings I hope your happy spirit remains as well as your love of laughter! That is something that will be so useful in life; if you can find laughter in adverse situations, or aren't afraid to laugh at yourself, hopefully hard times won't seem so hard, and good times will be only better. You have been a constant reminder of this to me as you have brought me so much laughter in bad and good times. You are your own person and I couldn't have picked a better final piece for our family puzzle. Your Daddy and I love you more than you could ever know and are so very proud of you, Ainsley Isabella! This will be an exciting year for you as you start Pre-school. I know you will love it and I know this stage will also go too fast for your Mommy's liking. I also know that no matter how big you get you will always be our "Baby A". Happy Birthday sweet girl! XOXO!! ~Mommy and Daddy

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