Faith~Noun; Defined as:
1. A: allegiance to duty or a person: Loyalty b(1): fidelity to one’s promises (2): sincerity of intentions
2. A (1): belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2): belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b(1): firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2): complete trust
3. Something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially: a system of religious beliefs.
Faith is what I told Brad Monday night I needed to have. Faith that we have done what we needed to do, as parents, to give our children a strong foundation to stand on as they get older and gain more independence, and we as parents lose a little control. These are some of the things I am realizing as Kaylee heads to Kindergarten.
Montessori is a familiar environment for me. Generally any time of the day I can look at my watch and know what they are doing. If I need find out something, have a question, want to check in, whatever I could just text her teachers. Now the game has changed. Now I don't really know what they are doing when I look at my watch, I can guesstimate based on time of day, but it's not the same. I can't just text her teacher. I can call the school or even email her teacher but again, it's not the same.
I do like Kaylee's teacher. I think she will be a wonderful Kindergarten teacher and a tough act to follow for Kaylee's first grade teacher next year. However I don't know what happens if someone hurt's Kaylee's feelings? If someone leaves her out, picks on her on the bus or doesn't play with her on the playground. I know all of those things will happen eventually. Maybe not in Kindergarten, but eventually they will. Eventually she will have friends that I don't like or think are good influences. Eventually Kaylee will make choices that I don't like. It's part of growing-up.
So I have to have Faith that Brad and I have instilled values in her that will help her in these situations and will help her in the choices she makes. I remember those times when I was a kid and was picked on or just felt alone. I have to have Faith that in those times she knows she is not alone.
Brad and I don't necessarily see eye to eye on Faith or it's importance, but for me, while challenging to always have Faith, it helps. I know there is a plan that was set for her and I have Faith in that plan. I will continue to have Faith that Brad and I, as parents, will continue to do our best and giving her the tools she needs to be successful.
All these thoughts continued to go through my mind this morning as I watched her get on the bus, for the first time (not only on the bus but in any veichle not driven by a family member), and not riding with any family member.
But I had Faith and will continue to have it a pray for strength and guidance as the journey down these roads continue. God IS good!
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