Their Daddy was excited for them and for him. As now he had only one weekly fee to pay, rather than the two that for the past 3 years had been given each Monday.
Their Mommy was excited but a little sad too. As her two babies were moving on to bigger things. Kindergarten and preschool were their new places, while she saw them now, she remembered their baby faces.



How did this day come so quickly? So fast? Where had the time go? How could their infant days be so far in the past?
She knew they were ready so excited and filled with joy! All the new things they would learn and concepts to explore. The new friends they would make and new stories to tell. Things were sure to go well.
Mommy knew that it was her who was now taking the baby steps. Slowly letting go, a little more the bigger they would get. The Mommy also knew no matter how big they got they would always be her babies and she would always hold them near.
So tomorrow will come and new adventures will begin. She will shed a few tears after she has said good-bye, but also smile because this is far from the end!
Wow, I love your reflections on these past five years, while your sweet girls are sleeping. It definitely made me teary eyed. You're so right, the days have passed way too fast. But also so right about their being so many more good ones to go.
I hope both of their first days went great!!
Very sweet!! I love your stories, reflections, and insight.
My how they are growing up. We love seeing sweet Ainsley's face at Montessori. I hope Kaylee is enjoying the big world of Kindergarten. I'll have to seek your advice for next year.
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