Ainsley was up and ready to go this morning and ready to head out for her "First Day" photos.

This is pretty typical of Ainsley. She is very much a "class clown"!

Not before a quick picture of her and Daddy!

I was teary leaving Montessori. I can remember working there and being pregnant with her, and Kaylee. I remember Kaylee's first day at Montessori like it was yesterday, and here we are with Ainsley. She is very ready for this new journey and I'm excited to watch her. While I have been a teacher at Montessori being a parent of a Montessori student was a different experience. I know Ainsley's Montessori days will be different too because she is different than Kaylee. I am excited she will be in Kaylee's old room with the teacher's Kaylee had. However one of the very fortunate things about Montessori is having worked there and really feeling comfortable with all the teachers as I worked with most of them and we are still friends.

Not before a quick picture of her and Daddy!

I was teary leaving Montessori. I can remember working there and being pregnant with her, and Kaylee. I remember Kaylee's first day at Montessori like it was yesterday, and here we are with Ainsley. She is very ready for this new journey and I'm excited to watch her. While I have been a teacher at Montessori being a parent of a Montessori student was a different experience. I know Ainsley's Montessori days will be different too because she is different than Kaylee. I am excited she will be in Kaylee's old room with the teacher's Kaylee had. However one of the very fortunate things about Montessori is having worked there and really feeling comfortable with all the teachers as I worked with most of them and we are still friends.
So my new job title as Kindergarten and Preschool Mom has officially taken over. I couldn't be more proud to be called that!
1 comment:
Oh my goodness, Steph! She must be the absolute smallest little peanut there! And the sweetest, too :-) I can't believe little Ainsley is attending Montessori in Room 3. Unbelievable. I remember chatting during siesta in Room 1 when you were just weeks pregnant with her. I can't believe her day to start preschool there is already here. She will do so well though! And she is in a great place!
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