Today when I got home and was outside with Belle I saw a cardinal. Not the one in this photo. I didn't have my camera with me and knew I wouldn't have time to run in and get it before it flew away. While I know that these beautiful birds can be seen here in the winter I liked to think of today's sighting as a sign of spring.
While at work today there was much talk about the snow that is suppose to descend upon us tonight. UGH!! Not ugh because I don't want more snow (although I don't) but UGH because you would think it meant that we were going to be hit by an asteroid. People are so negative and so whiny. It's snow. Nobody wants it, everyone is ready for warm weather, but seriously just get over it. Of course it's not enough to just mention it but lets spend ALL day analyzing it, checking every weather outlet possible on the Internet and analyze it some more. Needless to say it was a day that I listened to my headphones a lot.
So what a nice reprieve to see a cardinal flying around today! I once went to a psychic and she told me that when I saw them it was a sign of luck from my grandparents who have passed and that it also means they are with me. So not only do I look at the bird as a sign of spring today, but I always feel happy when I see them. I usually give a little wave too, just incase:)
I always feel good when I see a cardinal. It reminds me of all the beauty in this world. Rainbows are my sign that mom and dad are still with me.
I have to admit, I'm one of the people who is whining about the cold weather and snow! I'm so over it!
But I love that you saw a cardinal. Definitely a good sign! :)
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