Saturday, March 19, 2011


The other day I was wathing Oprah. I don't usually tune in but I happened to be flipping and stopped on her show. Since it's her last season she's been doing some interesting shows. I didn't watch the whole show, probably not even 1/2, but what I did see struck me. She was talking to families who have spouses, sons/daughters, etc in the Military. Some have lost loved ones and some have spent much time as a single-parent as their spouse was serving us overseas.

I have always had a deep respect for the Military. I feel like all of our freedoms are owed to them, past and present. When I was a senior in high school I talked to an Army recruiter and was heavily considering joining (Did I surprise you?). It's true. Brad was planning to go to the Navy at Annapolis, we were going to go our seperate ways and I had serious anxiety about college and my ability to succeed there and didn't want to potentially waste my parents money. This would have been a way to not only serve my Country and feel as though I was making a difference, but also a way to earn my own way through school. Don't get me wrong joining the Army gave me serious anxiety too:). Alas it was not meant to be, because of the severity of my asthma, the recruiter, after discussing my medical history, said I most likely wouldn't pass their physical and therefore wouldn't get in. So I just went straight to college.

Brad ended up not going to the Navy because he has such bad eyesight. Even after the Baseball Coach and a Naval Officer tried to appeal they still said "No". So he ended up going to IWU and playing ball. The rest they say is history.:)

I think things turned out the way they were suppose to because had only one of us gone down our original path then we wouldn't be the "us" we are today. Which means no Kaylee or Ainsley. That's a very powerful thought! I can't imagine my life any different than it is now. Someone more powerful than us knew better and the plan laid out for us was to be an "us".

It seems to be easier to see "the plan" when it is something that has been a positive. We don't tend to question those, we just give thanks. When things happen that I don't understand those are the times I question and analyze. I want to know the deeper meaning and see the bigger picture. But I suppose it's not for me to question and know right now. Those are the times I need to have Faith and to Trust.

Times like when the Supreme Court upholds a groups rights to protest at Military funerals. Regardless of your thoughts on war the reality is we are fighting one. So the least we can do is support those that are fighting for us and protecting us, rather than use the memorial services of fallen soldgiers as your platform to spew your hateful messages. The very soldgiers who are protecting your rights.

I have the priveledge of working with someone who has served many tours, most recently from 08-09. He's a Captain in the Army and has sacrificed a great deal for this Country. He is one of the most honorable people I know and Brad and I are so fortunate to call him our friend! He is also given me a great perspective on war and what serving your country really means.

When we see soldgiers out in their uniform we easily identify them and can take that opportunity to thank them. Their families, not so easily identifiable. The ones who support their choice, carry on with life the best way they can here and have to really rely on Faith and Trust. There sacrifice is huge! Processing it all really makes one thing "WOW"!

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