Dear Kaylee McKenna,
Today you are 6 years-old. Not only were you born on this day but you made me a Mommy and Daddy a Daddy. Tonight while we were reading, and by we I mean you:), your Emily American Girl book tonight I layed in your bed listening to you while I stared at the above photo in the frame in your room. I remember this day like it was yesterday. You were a week late. I had to be induced and even when I was ready to push and I pushed and pushed and pushed you would only come via c-section because you were too big. I was so happy once I got to hold all 9lbs 2oz of you:). Yet here we are 6 years later, you are almost done with Kindergarten and you are reading me chapters from your chapter book.
I feel like I remember every moment of these past 6 years, so how can 6 years have gone so fast already? I am so proud of you, as is Daddy! You are our dramatic girl, you love art and science. Your memory is one like no other and I am amazed at the things you do and say. You are my challenger in a verbal way. You think like an adult and make logical arguments like one. Daddy and I are in trouble:)!
I have enjoyed every minute of the last 6 years, even when you were a colicky and boarder line acid reflux baby! You taught me so much. You taught me patience and love like I have never known.
We have done music class, discovery classes, dance classes, gymnastic classes, soccer, swim lessons, Daisy's and now baseball. I have so enjoyed watching you experience these both while doing it together and sitting on the sidelines. Although a little shy at times in the beginning you always give your all.
You are so much like me in good ways and bad. I do apologize for giving you the neurotic anxiety gene:)
Thank you, Kay-Kay for being you, for being my daughter and giving me a far greater purpose then I ever thought I could have. I know as you grow we may bump heads from time to time, especially because we are so much alike:). I also know I will always love you and love being your mom. And secretly I hope you and Ainsley always live with me, but don't tell Daddy;) HEHE!!!
I look forward to the next year and watching all the new experiences you'll have! You have had a phenomenal Kindergarten year. It's still surreal to watch you get off the school bus. I'm so happy you love school and your friends. I love that you still have a bit of that innocence in you and that sparkle that shines in your eyes. I hope no matter what life brings your sparkle always remains.
I love you, Kaylee McKenna!
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