Dear Ainsley Isabella,
Today you are 4. Four-years old...seems surreal. It's so cliche to say but yet so true time has gone so fast. You were the piece that completed our family. As a baby Daddy would call you the "Happiest baby in America." That phrase has continued throughout your life but now you have become the "Happiest kid in America." While you have a little mischievous streak in you, you really are happy 95% of the time. You love to sing and dance, and of course let's not forget tell jokes. You make me smile everyday. You love to give hugs and tell me "I'm the best Mommy in the world." No matter how big or small of things we do you show appreciation, for example yesterday when I poured you a bowl of cereal you tell me I'm "the best cereal maker ever!" The sincerity behind your words warms my heart. Your big brown eyes light up a room. I love that you enjoy playing with your ponies and baby dolls inside, and love to go outside and look for bugs, or snakes, and run around and get dirty. I love how you have become my little shopping buddy. You are one of the most fun people to walk around a store with and talk about all the interesting things you see.
This world will truly be a better place because of you! You are the kind of person that makes someone feel happy just by having a conversation. It has been such a joy to watch you grow this past year at Montessori. You love going to school and seeing your friends. Your Daddy and I are so proud of you and we are so excited to watch you continue to grow and learn new things.
For Mommy a new year is always bittersweet, as I am excited for the things ahead a part of me is sad that another year is gone. I savored our bedtime routine last night. We read extra books, told some jokes, practiced our whistling and sang some songs, because tonight was the last night of bedtime with my 3 year old. You, however, were super excited for bedtime as you knew that when you woke-up today you'd be 4!!
Ainsley, you are my little sass, my small in stature but big in attitude and personality little girl! I am blessed to be your Mommy and thank God everyday he chose me for this special job!
Here's to another great year!!
With love and much pride,
Ainsley is such a joyful little gal. I adore spending time with her at school and she makes a great snuggle pal when she wakes up early from Siesta. Happy Birthday A!
What a lovely tribute to your little girl. She is lucky to be so loved!!
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