Kaylee was more interested in looking at her game then taking the photo.

She also likes to say "Cheese" to the camera and the below photo shows the expression I capture when taking the photo. It's really pretty cute!Occasionally Ainsley will sit still and hang out with me from time to time. Usually if I have food it's a good way to motivate her to sit with me. She's fun to snuggle with!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I'm sure you all have been as busy as us but at least you know some of the "random" things we've been doing!
Ainsley enjoyed playing with the top of her pumpkin. She liked to take it off and put it back on and so on and so forth.
Kaylee getting all of the seeds out. She was all about rolling up her sleeves and getting down to business. Ainsley working hard on scooping out the seeds.
The Jack-O-Lantern's. I did A's and Brad did K's. Kaylee wanted hers to be scary. Ainsley and I went for a more traditional approach. I did a lot of triangles because they are similar to an "A".
The weekend before Halloween we went to Mee-Maw and Paw-Paw's for early trick-or-treating. Here is our little lovely ladybug Ainsley.
Here we are walking up to Uncle Matt's house. Who is that masked person? It's BATMAN!
Daddy following behind with Ainsley. She really enjoyed herself. She had her trick-or-treat bag but I didn't take her up to every house with Kaylee and Skyeler, however a lot of the houses we went to had "grandparent" type people their and the always sweetly insisted Ainsley get candy too. Some even felt Mom and Dad needed some. Very sweet.
Grandpa and Grandma Duffy got all the grandkids PJ's for Halloween and Kaylee got Batman one's that even light-up! She wore them to bed and almost the entire next day. We went to Brad's parents that Saturday for some more Halloween fun, and she opted to wear these instead of her costume. Who could blame her I am sure they were more comfortable. Fortunately Brad's parents got them PJ's too. So we gave them a bath there after dinner and I was able to get Kaylee to put on her other new PJ's. The Batmans have been washed.
Overall it was a fun Halloween with all the many activities and trick-or-treat spots. Kaylee was really ready to be done after an hour. So Brad drove the van with the girls while Skyeler and I hit a few more houses. We had one final stop to Miss Julie's, their tumbling teacher, which they both got a kick out of. She had special treats for them. It was cute. I have to say I overheard many parents say their kids were ready to be done, or I would hear the kids come back and ask if they could go home. For the most part they were younger kids, but it was rather amusing. We went back to my dad's and had chili and jack-o-lantern shaped pizza and of course dug in to our candy!
A few photos of Kaylee assisting Daddy. This is one of my favorites. He was SO appreciative of the help. Actually he was a really good sport about it and enjoys having her do things with him. She even has her own tools.
The After:
The Living Room before:
The after:
The Dining Room before:
The after:
After shots of the kitchen. I didn't have very good before ones specifically for this, but I'm sure in some of the photos from my previous post you could see the before.