Side note: I realized over the weekend when my camera card was full that it has been some time since I had emptied any. I am really bad about deleting photos even after I have printed them, stored them on CD, the computer, and many times in Snapfish or Shutterfly. What can I say I just don't want to lose any photos.
Back to Ainsley. She is always so happy and is just a true sweetheart. She is so calming and has the sweetest smile! Below are some photos that just capture her spirit. She just seems to love life and food! The last photo makes me laugh because she can stand on her knees like that all the time and has been doing that since before she pulled herself up. I laugh because she will do that, or stand on her own, pivot on her foot and even squat down and come back up with something but will not take more than one step. It just goes to show that they have the physical ability long before their mind decides to do it! So here's my little peanut!

1 comment:
She is just such a little peanut. She's adorable. OMG, those eyes! She's got such gorgeous eyes. It looks like fun to see her pulling up and standing. Things seem like they'll only get better and better between the sibs. It's so fun having two, isn't it?
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