Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Getting Creative

Kaylee is really into projects, coloring, painting, etc. She has always enjoyed these things but more recently this has become a daily occurrence. If she is able to do all of the above in one day she is very excited. I can so tell she is on her way to 3! I thought I would post some photos of her creative activities.

Here are some of her and her Play-do.
She has a kitchen set that goes with this is; she is always "cooking" up something.

Here Kaylee is creating some of her wonderful masterpieces!

Yes, that is paint you see on her face! To some all the world is a stage and apparently to Kaylee all the world is a canvas. Of course to me it only makes the world more beautiful!

1 comment:

Christina said...

How fun! I love that she's such a little Picasso. :-) Henry has been loving painting a lot too. There are some fun finger paints by Crayola that only show up on certain paper. It's handy for reducing messes!!